Ranch wives cook a lot. I will have extra people at my table (besides my family) about three times a week, on average. Maybe someone stops in to talk and they stay for dinner. Maybe we have to start the day earlier than normal and Jeffrey invites another cowboy to join us for breakfast.
Cowboys who come and help another ranch for just the day are called day workers. The ranching tradition is to feed your day workers. I will usually do a lunch for them and sometimes dinner.
Meal planning for potential extra visitors and having a good idea of what you can whip up on short notice is helpful.
This poem is for the ladies who cook meals for crews and random ranch visitors. The ranch house kitchen is the diner, deli, and bakery.
You may not get a trophy for all the meals you cook, but this poem is dedicated to you.
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Cowboys and white shirts. They go together like Wranglers and boots. My husband and boys all like to wear white shirts when they are working. Maybe they are cooler to work in. Maybe they look cooler wearing them. I’d say it’s a cool cowboy thing.
Here is a poem for all the cowboys who like to wear a white shirt.
Jeffrey is particular about his white shirts and how they fit. He is a big guy and he likes room in his shoulders and sleeves that don’t feel short. He gets his Wrangler white shirts with a subtle stripe from Amazon. The XXLT are a great fit for him and all the work he does every day on the ranch.
How and why did we decide on the name Every Day on the Ranch for our blog?
Last spring, I remember sitting on the edge of my bed one evening looking through pictures on my phone. We had been getting ready and setting up for cow camp. Cow camp set up involves many trips up the mountain to haul horses and gear to camp, set up branding traps in several locations and take propane tanks to each of the traps. We set up tipis and a wall tent. We hauled up all the camp supplies, food, and water and the set up preparation could go on and on. I had taken some pictures each day while we were setting up our camp. As I looked through the pictures that night, I thought, “Something is happening every day at the ranch. What we do as a family is not a common thing. I should share our life as a ranching family.”
The seed sprouted.
As I thought more about blogging and sharing on social media I realized I needed to tweak the name I thought I would use. I didn’t like how every day AT the ranch (everydayattheranch) looked when it was one word and it wasn’t clear. I decided every day ON the ranch (everydayontheranch) was better and was clear and it felt right. I searched to see if anyone had claimed the name Every Day on the Ranch. It didn’t show up on any of the searches, so I claimed it as ours on several social media platforms.
The fall of 2019 I started learning about blogging, again. Over ten years ago I had a private family blog. A lot has changed in the blogging world since that time. By January of 2020 I learned enough new information to get to a point where I liked what I had created with the blog, but I didn’t hit publish.
In January 2020, I started posting on our Instagram page. This gave me the chance to post pictures and share things about our life to see if I was ready to blog. A few months have gone by and I feel like we are ready to go beyond the Instagram posts and do more and share more. It was time to hit “publish” on the blog. Content is created every day because of the things we do in our normal, daily ranch life. I need to transfer it all into picture and word form to share on the blog. But, I have been busy because…something is happening every day on the ranch.
The seedling has become a plant and it is growing.
Photo Credit: Jasper
Thanks for joining us on the start of this journey.
Over ten years ago we moved to a remote Nevada Ranch. I started a private blog as a way for our extended family to see what we were doing. We had some changes in our lives a few years down the road and I stopped blogging. My kids always thought I should start it up again.
Several Christmases ago my daughter’s gift to me was our old blog in a book form. She had collaborated with her brother and ordered it online. When I looked through the blog book, I was grateful I took the time to record what our family was doing during those years. The book is a treasure to us.
As I started this blog I thought of my whys. Why do a blog? Because it is more than a web log. It is a family history record. One day when I am 80 I will be amazed at all that we did. My husband and I often tell each other that these are our best days. Most of our kids are still home and working on the ranch. It won’t be like this forever. I want to record what we do with our time together.
My other why for doing a blog is to share our ranching lifestyle. Not many families get to live on a ranch, raise their kids on a ranch, homeschool their kids on a ranch, and work with their kids on a ranch. It is a unique lifestyle. I know there are other families like us, but we are becoming a rare class. I want to share our family’s experiences every day on the ranch.
Our children are: Jasper, Justin, Joseph, Sage, Sophie, Saylor and Jimmy.
L to R back row – Joseph, Justin holding Jimmy, Jasper L to R front row – Sophie, Saylor, Sage PC: A. Walters
Our son, Jasper, got married in May of 2018 and his wife, Aspen, is a great addition to our family – she loves Nevada and the desert! Last September they welcome a little boy, Jubal, into their family. They live on another large Nevada ranch that is about two and a half hours from town.
Aspen, Jubal and Jasper PC: K. McClure
We live on a ranch in the high desert of northern Nevada. Our lifestyle is becoming more uncommon and rare. We ranch, we have a large family, we homeschool, we work with our kids, and we live about 40 minutes from town. We want to share our lifestyle with you!